Act 23,443,256 Scene 243,936.012,786,409 Script:  PAPA Subscripts:  ATON AND DABI Sub-Subscript: Kibo

Kibo and Aton are sitting on a large magenta couch in the Grand Creational Corporate Lounge that is near the 3D7d billiards table and on the other side of the wall from the swimming cube.   There are several data tablets spread out on the table before them.

 The akashic camera pans by in the middle of their conversation…

CM:  …It’ll work.  You’ll see.

Kibo:  No, I get that part.  It’s just a matter of how.  It’s one thing to do it on a mental/emotional/energetic/spiritual plane but trickle down requires resources I don’t have.

CM:  That’s because you’re looking at it from the end result rather than from the beginning.  Just do it step by step and let it evolve on its own and you’ll see the result take on a life of its own, literally and figuratively.

Kibo:  Little sucker’s worked really hard to get here, hasn’t he?

CM:  That he has.  He deserves this opportunity and is willing to take a chance on you in spite of your reputation.

Kibo:  Geez, you make it sound like I take forever to do anything.

CM:  It does seem that way to some…from time to time.  All Divine Timing aside…..even you tend to think that you try even the patience of God.

Kibo:  Um….yeah….well….ah….that mostly applies to getting emails back to people…….and writing on the blog….and…….um…yeah….i see what you mean…..but it’s just that…well….it seems too often that I get to a point in thought or feeling or consciousness and the concept value is good and it works, y’know?…….and I should hurry and write it up…..but by the time I get there……..it’s like the concept has become a springboard to another concept/value and now I just have to spend all my time pondering the evolution of the thing as it changes and evolves and becomes what it’s supposed to be….THEN I can write it up……other than that….i can’t say I really have an excuse for the emails….i know that I’m a lazy procrastinator but I’m always caught up and lost in my thoughts….and…well…sometimes the search party takes a while to find me….y’know?

CM:  Oh WE know very well and you’ll just have to do your best to work with that particular personality trait.  This project is a priority that will be of great value to all involved.

Kibo:  I’m working on it…I’m working on it……huh?….oh…..hey there…..ahoye………..we’re just going over my new project……..one must rise…after all…and this…apparently…is what has been given to me by PAPA, to do so…….huh?   my idea?….nah…….please don’t let me have ideas……….my idea is winning the lottery and just staying at home and doing stuff like this and then some……….i could spend all day just contemplating God’s Will for me being what I am in WHAT I AM….and doing my best to act accordingly……Oh….you didn’t know? I……..AM AN ACTOR! Well….i used to be quite a character……..in my younger days……but I am no longer a child of God…I Am an adult of God and I realized that that I was an actor playing a character….. so I started concentrating on being the actor that I am….which…mind you…is just a character that is played by Source…well….PAPA…….and of course you know that PAPA is a character/ACTOR that is played by GRANDPA/SOURCE OF SOURCES…………you see how that works………through PARADISE TRINITY, GRANDPA has established ITSELF as the stage and set and actors and characters and props and wrote the script and subscripts [ad infinitum]..directs, produces and plays all the parts…ALL the parts…….but all actors get to play their own parts and develop and evolve the characters they play…….all according to script and subscript……..

CM:  The thing you have to remember is that…here….the subscript of the script involved the attempted hijacking of the script be certain parties so that they could have world going by their script….but what they never realized was that all of that was according to script and more and more people are discovering and remembering the real and original script and some are even reading from it…….so the hijackers…

Kibo:  shadowmind, techma, talmudists, zionists….and minions and willing [and unwilling] slaves….whatever……

CM:  Right…You have to remember that the Anunnaki knew that they were part of the original script/subscript  and, for the most part…as far as individual participation was concerned, did as the script stated……….some, however….wanted to hold onto their characters…which is understandable under the circumstances…….so they helped the minion characters to develop a sub-subscript which is all of the memes that you are learning to resist at the present moment……..many of you, anyway…….and now that script has run out of lines and they find themselves in the strange and unfortunate position of struggling to ad-lib………all of this is in the original script, by the way………this is why you are witnessing such confusion in the ranks as their apparatus is continuously being dismantled, in spite of their desire and pleas to the contrary.  It is a lost cause for them at this point and there is nothing to be done about it…….the show must go on, as it were.

Kibo:  We know that many of you feel that you are the ones that are doing things and making decision and choices, but you have to understand that THE ONE……SOURCE OF SOURCES….has established this from before ‘the beginning’ [as you ones understand it] and that all of this is just a means of expression of the Divine that you…all of us…may learn what it is to be, not just human….and not just what it is to be human beings, but what it is to be in God’s Will as we journey to the perfection that has been promised us.  It is as if God thought to Its Self….”What if everyone were like ME?  Hmmmmm……”  and then did it all one better…. “WHAT IF EVERYONE WAS ACTUALLY ME BEING WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE?  THAT WAY EVERYTHING, EVERY CHOICE, EVERY EXPERIENCE, COULD BE EXPERIENCED IN EXPRESSION IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE THE ABSOLUTE AND ULTIMATE AND SUPREME SENSE OF MY WAY, ABOVE AND BEYOND, WITHOUT THE SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT, OVER ALL, EVERY OTHER AND ANY OTHER WAY OF BEING, THAT WOULD, COULD OR SHOULD, AFFORD ONE THE ATTAINMENT OF PERFECTION IN WHAT I AM?” “I DO NOTHING IN AND OF MYSELF…IT IS MY FATHER IN HEAVEN THAT DOES ALL THINGS WITH, THROUGH, IN, BY AND FOR ME.”  Remember that one? Yes….no?   Ah well

CM:  Anyway…..while WE are rehabbing and revamping and remodeling Kibo’s office space so that he can better accomplish this new assignment…

Kibo:  Is there really time for this?  You’ll forgive me if I find that disappointing.  This thing is supposed to be finished any moment now, in my eyes…..i shouldn’t even have to be concerned with stuff like this…..I don’t know how long it will take to get it started without the proper resources and I can’t ask people for help on this thing…they’re doing enough for me as it is….I’d be homeless if not for them.  How can I say that I need resources for a project?  I should crowdfund….that seems to be the way to go nowadays…still……there isn’t supposed to be enough time for this……I’m happy to be able to see more of the script…..the real, original script……..and your subscript…..and my subscript…….but there’s nothing that goes beyond here and now that will let me know how much time is left to do stuff like this……wtf?

CM:  We’ll get to the resources conversation when you’re ready to begin.  Right now, it’s a moot point. MY script will only tell you so much…….only PAPA knows that part and that’s all because it’s in His script………I, Myself, would’ve liked to have seen this ended by now, as well….but The Father’s Will is The Father’s Will and that is that and we all must bow to the greater sense and knowledge of that Will.  It may well be that all of this will transform into the new phase even now and today…..but until it happens by PAPA’s Word…..WE ALL must keep pushing and tire not.  So we press on and endure… and I endure, as well.  This is My universe but I have given final say in all things to Paradise Trinity and THEY, in turn, are the will of SOURCE OF SOURCES MADE MANIFEST…….or as you like to call IT…..GRANDPA……either way…GOD’S WILL BE DONE IN ALL THINGS!….and as soon as the people of Gaia learn this one, important imperative thing as the rule of their existence and surrender to It in love and devotion….We will all continue to do whatever it takes to earn the freedom and liberty in light and love that all ascending and descending beings aspire to, not just for the sake of this planet, but for all freewill, intelligent beings that recognize and realize their divine origin in SOURCE OF SOURCES…..SOURCE CREATOR….by whatever label you may choose that resonates with your being, THAT BEING, that is THE BEGINNING AND END OF ALL LIFE…THAT UPHOLDS AND SUSTAINS AND BEHOLDS ALL THINGS FROM WITHIN AND WITHOUT….THAT IS, INDEED…ALL THINGS AND ALL THINGS IN EXPERIENCE EXIST WITHIN IT AND IT EXPERIENCES ITSELF AS ALL THINGS FROM WITHIN ALL THINGS………THAT BEING…..That Being is The Being that you seek and find and recognize and realize and comprehend and learn how to act like….to do as and be as God is……… GOD ACTS. So must you.  Be actors in this great production of life and not just characters.  Characters are acted upon.  They are played by the divine beings of Source that you truly are.  To act, to be actors in the great production of life in God is to rise above your material selves and truly do the work of being your divine, spiritual selves.

Kibo:  Trust in the fact that you….we….all of us….will get there in the divine time that we were created to do so in……you have all eternity………but do try not to take that long to get it done…okay? Just breathe deep….stay calm….go within……connect…..listen…hear…learn….seek…see…find…who and what you truly are in GOD and do and be that, as it is given to you to do and be so.  It will take a great deal of struggle, and trust and faith…and love, devotion and surrender to light and love and life, eternal and infinite…..but you’ll get there….IF YOU WANT TO. Please want to…….whatever is in the Great Script that concerns uncreation…….i wouldn’t wish it on anyone….but it serves its purpose in THE ONE, as well…….no energy is ever lost and even in uncreation…what you were will be recycled and rehabbed into another you, according to The Will Of The One.  In the end, you will be as The One is….in THE ONE….as The One…and yet you will always be you being who and what you are in The One…….. We’ll talk about you creating your own universe and being able to do anything and be anything……at another time…..just ponder the possibilities of it, for now and remember that darkness has no place in such a creature as you can become…….if you really want it…..but yeah…you have to want it to get it…..you will get what you want…one way of the other….light or dark and the rewards thereof……just make sure that you know fully, what those rewards are…..in the end.

CM:  So…….enough of that…..oh…announcements that you should be aware of: The 6 pyramids of the 12 Celestial Daughters have encased the planet in a cube formation and have settled in that position for the duration.

Also, 80% of the individual consciousness’s within the mass consciousness of humanity on Gaia, are standing in light and are looking to Creator Source, by whatever concept they hold of It, either consciously, subconsciously, unconsciously or superconsciously.  WE can expect no more as the hardcore numbers of those in darkness are settled at 20%.  WE, as always, invite those that hold fast to the darkness to come to the light, in joy and celebration, but you will forgive US if WE do not hold our breath in the matter.

Also…a side note…..smart meters can be nullified by creating a strip of orgonne, wrapped in aluminum foil, which can then be securely duct taped around the housing of the smart meter….yet another fine use for duct tape [smile].

Kibo:  We all have gifts.  It is time to find them and use them.  In whatever capacity we can, we must help others to see, not just the source of the problems of this world.  But the solution to them, which is recognizing the self as part and parcel of God Creator and God Creator as part and parcel of who and what we are.  It is not for us to compare ourselves with any other, it is for us to be ourselves and fulfill who and what we are….whatever that may be, within THE WILL OF THE ONE, SOURCE CREATOR, SOURCE OF SOURCES AND IN CHRIST MICHAEL  ATON.  ATON IS THE BRIDGE BETWEEN ALL ASCENDING BEINGS AND THEIR SOURCE OF SOURCES, AS WELL AS THE AVENUE TO HIS OWN SELF, WHICH LEADS TO THAT GREATER CONNECTION TO SOURCE WITHIN. IT IS ALL WITHIN YOU…….INCLUDING YOUR SCRIPT……SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND…KNOCK AND THE DOOR SHALL BE OPENED [ESPECIALLY TO YOUR HEART]…ASK AND YE SHALL BE ANSWERED! This is all for now……….go…rise…live the greater life of God’s dream for you……love and light and blessings to you all.

CM:  So say WE all.

Camera pans out and continues its journey through the energetic, creational corporate headquarters……voices of Kibo and Aton recedes into the background….

Kibo:  Okay…..but what about the chicken?

CM:  You don’t need the chicken.

Kibo:  But I like the chicken.

CM:  sigh….Just establish this first and let it take on a life of its own as it should be…..and then We’ll see about the chicken…..ok?

Kibo:  Good enough……..now….how am I supposed to get all this stuff again?

CM:  [big sigh] Okay….one more time………



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8 Responses to LOUNGE ACT

  1. Ynte says:

    An orgone strip? We built a chem buster, which does not work, according to my Teachers, so how do I make an orgone strip? Love you, Kibo.. Love your T-shirts as well.. All five of them..


    • kibodabi says:

      thanks [big smile here] if I remember correctly it was stated that there are instructions that can be found online, so perhaps a search will provide something that you will find suitable……basically you need smashed up crystals….I’ve seen some use copper beads as well……..at worse you can just wrap some up in aluminum foil [cue Weird Al song] and duct tape it around the side of the smart meter so it can still be read but still covered……..but please check out online how to make your own…I still think there’s a business opportunity to be had in all this….hmmmmmmm……….God Bless…(-k-)


      • Ynte says:

        Hi Michael Dabi Ben Elohim, What a beautiful name.. I love Esu Jmmanuel Sananda as well, what beautiful names..

        If you have ever the time, please visit Ken Adachi’s site: educate-yourself.org. Amazing person, amazing information/read. Especially Dr. Livingstone..

        God bless, Ynte

        Sent from my iPad


  2. Ken says:

    Hope to hear from the one ,who is called Kibo. Hope you are well , You are missed when your away, busy most likely with service to the ONE and to the highest benefit to ALL , Hear from you soon, GOD bless ALL and ALL BLESS GOD, AMEN


  3. Marayah says:

    Inspiring as always Kibo and CM 😀 Thank you both, -and REALLY… 80 % in Light? Wauw!


  4. Brian says:

    Oh….btw….you look marvelous! take my breath away….

    The Dove and the Crow….


  5. Brian says:

    First Man:
    I think…
    I think I am.
    Therefore I am!
    I think…

    Of course you are, my bright little star…
    I’ve miles and miles of files
    Pretty files of your forefather’s fruit
    And now to suit our great computer
    You’re magnetic ink!

    First Man:
    I’m more than that
    I know I am…
    At least, I think I must be

    Inner Man:
    There you go, man
    Keep as cool as you can
    Face piles of trials with smiles
    It riles them to believe

    That you perceive
    The web they weave…
    And keep on thinking free


  6. James K. says:

    Nice Kibo. Need I say more?


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