We all are what we are. We are what we are by the sum of our decisions, our choices. Those decisions and choices have been made on whatever data we deemed pertinent and important and primary to what we considered our best interests and self-interest…….and don’t go talking about how much selfless stuff you did…..that was in your own self-interest, y’know……..after all….you’re spiritually inclined, aren’t you? YOU know what side YOUR bread is buttered on, right? Do you do God’s will because it’s God’s Will or do you look to the benefits? Is there a difference? Can you do God’s Will without experiencing the benefits? Could you take all the testing and trials and tribulation if you didn’t think or know or feel that there was enlightenment, expansion, uplifting, ascension…..more light, more love, more…..something…….at the end of this rainbow journey?
But I digress……………
We are all more than the sum of our parts and thus, we are more than the sum of our experiences. We are, indeed, all of our causes and effects and our thoughts and feelings about our causes and effects. Too often, people have no real clue as to why they are the way that they are. Why they do the things that they do. Why do some people end up one way and others another? What is it that causes certain people to get on buses and trains and testify to the word of The Lord? What is it that makes some walk around with satanic symbols all over their bodies or clothing?
What is it that makes some people think they are the only human beings on Earth and that all others that are not like them…and some that are like them, are nothing more than beasts, chattel, slaves, property? Why is it that so many people refuse to even consider that they are spiritual creatures, personalities, beings….and not just the meat bags that they walk around in?

Why anything for anyone?
Seven billions bags of souls or meat, all unique, all doing what they’re doing…all differently, even if so many of them think that they’re doing the same thing……..
Why don’t my t-shirts sell? [shameless (wink and nod) plug….keep moving…….]

So what’s the point, kibo? We all know this stuff already…we are the choir, after all…..
i hear you….

So….to the point……..

Here we all now stand…you and I
Us and them
WE….each of us, together…..and yet………each of us is our own unique part of this whole of unified oneness that is THE ONE…….and yet…we are all more than the sum of our parts……….
You are
I am
It is
And more and one and all
More than the sum of all parts
As the parts are more than the sum of their parts………..
Above and below
Within and without………
We are what we are
What we have become in our experience of being…this….what we are…….
And now the door stands before us
And what a door it is….a portal, an entrance and entryway, a gate, a line…..
An end and a beginning…………..all at once
Within and without
Above and beyond………….

And now you must ponder
Ponder ponder soul transponder………….how does your garden grow……?

How have you come to this place
And what are you now that you are here
And you are always here……….as you knew or did not know……….
Here you are
Here we are
Here it is
Here in the eternal moment of now being present…….
And it is the only thing that gives past and future any meaning
For it all evolves from and revolves around
The eternal and infinite here and now
And now
Now, here you are
Ready or not
And here is the door….right there……..
Answer the question
What have you made of yourselves
Your selves
Your self
What have you become
And how and why?
Do you know?
This is important
It will determine your next or last moment
Or next and last moment
Your next 29,000 +/- years
Or the rest of eternity in the Grand Creation
Not to mention this local creation………
Do you know?
Can you know before the door opens?
The answer lays beyond that portal….across that line…….
The thing you most love or fear
That awaits you
Can you face it
Can you deal with it
Can you be it
Can you do it?

Can you decide and come to a decision concerning who and what and why and where and when and how and for and to and by and through and………….
And know…Know…KNOW……eyes wide open or shut….flying or falling………mind wide open or shut…heart…………..take that step….and cross the threshold…or stand and wait and let it cross you…either way it is the same….it all happens…it all has to happen
It all has to happen because that’s what it all is
And it is what it is
And here you are….a part of it…a part of the whole….a part of the whole which is more than all of its parts, as you are… we are…………as it is… IT is………and more………….
[here is the church, here is the steeple, open the door and see all the people….]
Whatever you have become….here it is……
Everything is its own reward……now…..
Now it is time to receive the fruits of your labor……………
Whatever you are
Whoever you are
And whyever and however and forever…… the door and see all…….
Oh dear
Some of you are afeared
Living in the dark has made you afraid of the light
While all are brought in……graduating….repeating classes…….some begging for seventh chances to avoid being expelled….
Ye ones want to stay on the playground……never coming in
Never crossing
Never growing up
Wanting you own neverland……sigh
And so you dare the headmaster to find you
Hide and seek, eh?
So be it
There is no hiding from one that sees all
That is all
And sees each and every one of you…..
Ready or not
Here I comes………….and remember who I is….
I invented this game, after all….before all
I always wins…………….

Kibo[you forget that I whupped your asses in dodgeball]Dabi


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3 Responses to REMEMBER WHO I IS

  1. theo says:

    Well, by now I start missing you too badly…
    Would you please tell my Father I wait for Him?


  2. Brian says:

    Brilliant post, as always 🙂

    Dodgeball? Hmmm….are you threatening me? Hehe…dude, i will take you up on that on the other side….count on it! Big smile!

    Love ya Dabi.


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