ye dark:
For some strange reason you seem to believe that, even thought we have been assisting those nation/states, groups, players and prime players, etc…. that have gathered enough of themselves to stand in unity for the sake of planetary liberation, from you…and thus we have established just cause and a divine mandate that includes now being able to…..get our hands dirty….by assisting and directing more directly and more openly. Surely you have seen the results of this in recent…..situations.
Please to remember, or figure it out for the first time, if need be, that stasis can be implemented at any time and that we are actually watching and looking at all of it and are actually informing our allies in Light, concerning your moves and your intentions and various plans. we can safely assure you that there is nothing that you can do that will be a surprise except to see the light and realize that you have no options left other than surrender.
We understand your desperation in this matter now that the money has been taken out of your hands but your tactics of delay are more revealing than they are effective. IT IS LESS IRRITATING THAN IT IS EXPECTED AND IT ALLOWS US TO FURTHER EXPAND OUR CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, SO THE HELP IS APPRECIATED.




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30 Responses to 2242016

  1. Marja says:

    This statement in Dabi’s message made me think, remember a recently read and noted sentence from PJ THE RAINBOW MASTERS – CHP. 23
    “Sin” (and how I wish for a better word) can only be committed in a finite conscious¬ness or in the finiteness of time and space. The moment “sin” is conceived, THE CONCEIVER OF THE “SIN” IS NO LONGER A PART OF ETERNITY. He will place upon his own head a price for the ERROR IN FREE-WILL CHOICES.
    When Michael cast out the fallen ones from Heaven, he was ratifying the law of their own being which THEY SET IN MOTION BY THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE:
    INSTANTANEOUSLY, THEY LOST THE PROTECTION OF THE CIRCLE OF THE ONE. Thus, in casting them out, Archangel Michael and his legions were the instantaneous representatives of cosmic Law. Each time you deliberately act in “sin”, you lose the protection of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
    When you do act in human “sin”- when an idea becomes so im¬pelling that you fulfill it and commit some “sin”- remember that you are creating bonds of limitation that will eventually turn upon self in forms of disease, death, et cetera.
    The Law is just. MAY THE JUST MAN ALWAYS USE THE LAW IN PERFECTION AND WITH WISDOM, to their advantage, which advantage ought to be the liberation of the light of the heart which will insure you great gain in all octaves.”

    This took me to UB – paper 53 – THE LUCIFERS REBELION – and here is my understanding of it.
    Lucifer – a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon. Experienced service in many systems.
    Distinguished for wisdom, sagacity/cleverness and efficiency. – number 37 of his order – designated as one of 100 most able and brilliant personalities in more than 700.000 of his kind. – A created son of the local universe, perfect in all ways.
    From such magnificent beginning – through unrighteousness, evil and error – he embraced sin, succumbed to the urge of self [ego] and surrendered to the deceptive argument based on clever subtlety of false personal liberty.
    He was chief executive of a great system of 607 inhabited worlds for 500.000 years.
    He erred through blindness to cosmic relationships – rejection of universe allegiance and disregard of fraternal obligations.
    It is believed that it all started in Lucifer’s mind. His ego inflated by pride in his beauty and achievements nourished itself to the point of self deception, corrupting his wisdom – to the point that when disillusionment set in, the pride did not permit him to stop and acknowledge a mistake. He became insincere, and evil evolved into deliberate and willful sin.
    Many believed and followed his decrees, blinded by his brilliance.
    Subordinate intelligences refrained from showing him disrespect and disdain, he was the boss after all. That was before CMAton’s bestowal on Urantia and His becoming the All Powerful Sovereign of Nebadon.
    CMAton consulted with His brother Immanuel, and on his advice chose to continue in an attitude of noninterference, allowed it to run a free course for almost 200.000 years.

    For a moment I was puzzled, why this seemingly weak attitude, why not fighting and stopping the whole thing before it developed to the point when so many were deceived and suffered – so many fell, sometimes beyond redemption and had to be uncreated. So I was given the answer in further reading.
    Yes, many suffered but many more grew up in the right qualities, became stronger and wiser – a strength that would withstand eternity and give them an ability to teach those who would come after them.
    One was Manotia, the second in command of the Satania Serafim headquarters, took over when his leader was spiritually blinded by the brilliance of Lucifer. Lucifer’s charming ways fascinated the lower orders of celestial beings – they simply could not comprehend that it was possible for such a dazzling personality to go wrong.
    Manotia refused to participate in the projected insult to Michael and the powerful rebels sought his destruction, just like they do now. – But neither he nor a single loyal Serafim was harmed.
    Another one was Ellanora, a young woman of Panopia that, with the guidance of Melchizedeks took the leadership when the Planetary Prince fell, and not a single soul faltered to support Michael.
    Further, a message sent to Salvington, Uversa and Paradise, by the new Sovereign of Satania – Lanaforge – stating the glory of the ascension scheme that not a single member of Satania ascendant citizenenship resident on Jerusem participated in the Lucifer rebellion. – This message of assurance that the survival experience of mortal ascension is the greatest security against rebellion and the surest safeguard against sin.
    Evil is all around us, but it cannot enter our mind unless we give it permission or make an opening by inattention or ignorance. Vigilance at all times is important – stick to the Laws of Balance and Harmony, they are your guide.

    Beware of pride and that treacherous feeling of excessive certainty, the inflated ego.
    Stay connected to the God within at all times. Give your allegiance to Him and ask Him to confirm your decisions.
    Hope you find this useful, thank you for reading.


  2. Melody says:

    More the cabal instigating biblical prophecy but also shows the possible reason/opinion why.

    Diabolical TREACHERY Behind Strange Sounds Heard All Over the World !!!

    Published on Jan 30, 2016

    These sources are VERY high up. Some are scientists – world’s foremost authorities in their fields; and military folk who can no longer keep silent, and world leaders revealing their complicity in this vile international treachery. I am told there is a terrible deception being perpetrated.



    “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
    -Psalm 94:16

    Waterphone MegaBass (made by the inventor, Richard Waters, 2011)

    Video Bible Playlist
    VIDEO BIBLE ~ RevMichelleHopkins



  3. ken says:

    AMEN !!!!!!! SO GOOD to hear and feel your words . I can sense a coming together of sorts . God bless ALL of your efforts and troubles at this very intense and trying time. We will all get where we need to be when and how we need to BE there ,here. But something keeps telling me that we all need each other more NOW than EVER before Much LOVE and LIGHT to you ALL AMEN amen amen


  4. Marja says:

    Thank you for the update,
    If the opposition insists of going on with the ‘Hail Lucifer’ project, stasis will not only be logical but very welcome.
    If the opposition is removed that will level the playing field, the media will be in the hands of the light and able to inform and instruct the population when things start moving, to lessen the panic and chaos.


    • Melody says:



    • I’ve noticed the media shadow operatives to be running scared, even petrified at present. They’ve upped their game, playing lots more ‘wag the dog’ media campaigns to distract from real issues —
      They’ve been up to numerous tricks to try and stem the flow of Truth here lately. One is that they’ve shut down various so-called ‘independent’ new sites’ comment sections, which were spreading way too much Truth, in some instances. I guess they also want to make some savings by getting rid of all the shills and trolls on their bankroll.
      Also my phone line was cut when I called in to a radio station to make a comment on human rights and the guest I wanted to converse with was shortly after that screamed at and ejected from the interview by the interviewer. The guest said it for what it was: called herself a reformist and Whites in this country, denialists. All quite accurate. But that was way enough for the producer (and whoever his/her handler is) to put pressure on the presenter to axe the guest. The station tried to turn the whole thing on the guest, as if she were to blame…to quickly confuse the listening public, and added some or other garbled justification as to why they’d axed her.
      Then I attended a Michael Tellinger meeting a few days ago and saw an agent leaving —he’d come to check out how many folks were there, but apparently deemed it as non-threatening gathering.
      There’s a feeling here of desperation…in a word.


      • kibodabi says:

        these are desperate times to be sure…it’s hard to tell what is just happening or what is orchestrated….shootings, murder suicides…..the pressure is building and it really does look like the lid is about to blow off the pot….the only thing that I have is SOURCE AND CENTER….I have a deep and abiding faith that all of this will be alright because I truly believe that GOD intends a happy ending for this story…..


      • Melody says:

        Shelee – Michael Tellinger is a known activist trying to help out Africa, which is known for it’s many natural resources, resources that some want with cheap slave labor. He is much aware of what is going on and is publicly disclosing. I found your inner god posting interesting. I read that the New Age issue is a CIA instigation to stop people from reacting, it’s part of the mind control. I read your travels. You probably have more people and life concept than the majority, what a fantastic destiny. And now you are sharing – Thank You.

        Where I used to live, county next door, I used to know somebody who had an AT&T Broadband TV show where she had speakers disclosing various types of corruption. I was on 2 times to support 2 different people and another by myself and another with an activist, plus connecting her with 2. The city decided to shut down the public awareness TV show. Then I was on a radio show, arranged by the same person, talking about non profits being used and controlled for agendas and the income of grant money for agendas. This station, who was aware, had no idea on this subject but understood, just hadn’t thought of the subject, connected pieces. Then another friend was also part of a TV awareness show, also got sabotaged and shut down, the people of the show falsely accused. I had made up a binder of evidence whereas another set-up a Congressional Type town hall meeting, only 1 Congressman showed up with the House of Representative, and they knew nothing of what the mass amount of speakers were disclosing. With 100 binders of evidence, nothing was done after the Congressman disclosed the evidence to WA D.C. and instead was retaliated against or no longer have his job is what I was told. More….

        Before I moved I used to periodically go to activist type or town hall meetings and marches. One time I saw a person taking pictures of not the speaker but everybody inside the building. There have been people seeing others writing down everybody’s vehicle license plate in the parking area which would identify some of the people at the meeting and where they live. If you are staying in a hotel that’s been arranged for that meeting, here the gov has the right to have a list of everybody staying in the hotel. There are what is called dossiers that are taken by certain gov entities where what you do is put into this personal dossier. I was told by a retired PD, Investigator, that the dark would sometimes take your DNA out of your trash can and keep it on file in case they want it for Any reason and will sometimes use the DNA to set people up. I’ve prior had the telephone co verify to me I had an illegal tap on my phone, sent somebody out to check the lines and had one of their experts on the subject talk to me, saying the tap was illegal, what to look for, before I moved. Even my mail was being taken. I’ve had numerous computer problems as we’ve prior talked about. I had a prior meeting at my house with a retired Fed. Court Judge who wanted to help against what was happening in the family law and juvenile court, mostly victims and ended up with county white cars driving back and forth in front of the house and later this Judge was attacked by the state to jail him. He was using a different name to not loose his retirement and I talked to another daughter of a judge who was having similar. The activist attorneys are also attacked. I see people not taking their cell phone batteries out of their phone during meetings where these phones are transmitters and tracking devices. I then broke off ties and moved.

        My opinion is it’s better to know and do what you can but I don’t let fear get into my space (unless my safety is attacked) but it does bother me out how cruel and service to me many have become, even realizing this is a pre-arranged soul learning experience with also many clones here for the experience. Going to this type of meeting, change and park your car in another location. If I saw somebody taking a picture I would block myself from that person. I remove all power from my computer when not in use. Now some of the PD car computers give out some of this type of people info. In the U.S. they are testing 4 cities PD Dept where they are universal federalizing the police in a test run, would have to relocate to look up the name.

        The press has learned numerous ways of how to destroy people. I know one person where in his case witnesses were asked questions and then answers for the tv news. When it got out on tv the answer was linked to a different question which completely manipulated good to bad, making the correct twitness statement saying something opposite when it was put out to the public. You’re aware how some political activists are treated. There is what’s call the Inns of Court, 4 different ones controlled by 4 different countries, the main one is in England. If you notice if 1 country does an agenda then eventually all of the player countries are doing the same, ex Cypress being a test run re taking the people’s money out of their bank accounts or the stealing of children scam without legal rights for the loving parents. Some have found private e-mail communication telling one county that this scam worked and how to do it, in this case keeping fired or dead employees on the payroll for extra grant money.

        I feel that much of what I’ve seen has a purpose. To me knowledge is power. Putting our heads in the hole in the sand is not going to work in this case. I try to help by telling some people the little I know so it can help them and what they do with the information is up to them. I have saved a woman’s life with some of this knowledge, her crime was her father was county corruption murdered and she got the proof. It bothers me what is going on today.

        I remember a posting on A/H where CM stated people were expecting prophecy to happen, so it was. I am seeing where biblical prophecy is being falsely instigated so the dark is manufacturing the changed bible for the prophecy to happen, why I did a prior posting. I see now the instigation of the one world money being piece worked into play. I heard on TV an Illuminati bragging on this subject, that once implemented and cash removed, all would have the same amount of money and if they became politically incorrect then that/their debit money would be removed. Then the one world religion. I thought it was going to be the Catholic religion but now appears the Muslim religion is being instigated, but in reality isn’t the teaching, in the end, really going to be spiritual, as in the PJ’s and The Urantia Book, teachings of how we have been lied to, the set-up in play of how to have a more spiritual life. Then another found that the top population countries with the UN were all Muslim. It’s really a matter of using religion and color and the legal system against the people. The guillotines all over, again the bible prophecy is being intentionally matched besides what the Muslim’s are doing. The boom sounds people are hearing was disclosed to be strange drums that the sound was being transmitted via satellite, another I prior posted and only posted here, again making and instigating prophecy to happen by the dark to the sheeple. Many are talking about the recent new X-Files Fox TV series (and on the computer) and how part of this is in play now and some feeling the last part is telling people what their play is to be. This is all being played but the dark cabal are now being caught, especially when they like to use the same line of tactics. But a bigger picture, it’s all part of the original Polarity Integration Game and what the prize was to be. The Reptoids were given technology and long life and Humans given emotions, the choice of picking light vs dark. But the light is CM and Source. How can they expect to win from entities like that in the long run, CM is not going to allow GAIA to be destroyed. Peoples eyes are opening up now with the knowledge that is becoming/being known from many.

        Lately I’ve been feeling brain fried. I’m just fed up with near everything. your post sort of hit home to me. I hope nobody minds what I just wrote, it’s just that I’ve seen and experienced these type of issues and want to help with knowledge, not with fear. I have been able to avoid some with the knowledge of the plays. Again I saved a person’s life by letting her know these plays and what to do and have saved my own with help, the second time I heard CM’s voice, telling me, You are going to see a miracle, and I did. I’ve experienced knowledge being given to stop a bad from going worse and a solution. A young light worker once said, the answer is simple, Just Say No. Say no to the corrupt big banks, say no to GMO food and Monsanto, say no to vaccines, say no to to gun confiscation which is a protection, say no to their entrapment procedures, etc.


        • Forgive me for only replying now Melody – been busy earning my daily enslaved keep.
          I’ve wanted to thank you for standing, for being an activist. It’s a courageous thing to do -to blow caution to the wind and stand for Truth. Don’t stop. And whatever seeds you’ve planted in others and whichever ways you’ve helped others by doing this….much respect and gratitude to you.


  5. ken says:

    WOW…. I hope and pray. that you both can resolve your disagreement sooner than later. It does not feel good to see you arguing . are we not all one. Gods blessings to both of you . I trust we can all work this out for all in all in the ONE Thank you for your time ,love you both AMEN


    • Cooy74 says:

      Thanks for your thoughts ken, I feel the same way, I love and respect Kibo and Candace equally, I don’t post much but I started reading AH about 6 or 7 yrs ago and eventually Kibo when his stuff was up on AH. I don’t like seeing people fight and hope they can resolve this, Sending my Love to both.


  6. Candace says:

    Lyman… I have just read this to CM and while he did contact you .. you have your personal stuff in it and it is NOT clean. For example he mentioned nothing about doing stasis. It will not thus be posted on AH.


    • kibodabi says:

      forgive me if I never considered it a possibility in the first place…….I mean…really? that should matter at this point? I thought it was obviously the case after I left….. as for clean…thank you for your opinion…..cya!


  7. Dirk says:

    Thanks for the clarification 🙂
    I thought original six month projection would end by end of January so I guess we’ll just have to wait a little bit longer…


  8. Dirk says:

    Just a question – I was under the impression that ‘stasis’ has been replaced with ‘evacuation’ – if you could clarify.


    • kibodabi says:

      as a stand alone, stasis happens when needed and necessary. we were told through Candace that the 3 days of darkness global power outage was being replaced by the upcoming pole reversal…..the original six month projection should happen by the end of March…we shall see……i’m sure it’s going to happen at some point but as to a time period, I have no clue….right now I am supporting all efforts to finish the surface games as soon as possible….. a decrease or removal of negative pressure might make it more possible to get everyone together and explain more fully what is coming and lessen confusion….but to do so correctly will probably involve the removal of the dark holdouts….which would decrease or remove negative pressure…..smile……
      thanks for the support! it is greatly appreciated…..I am….getting there……we will see….


      • Melody says:

        I don’t know how accurate this is but said there was testing, using the I-Phones, to take down the power grid in the U.S. by numerous overwhelming the circuits, think it was the internet connections but not sure, at one time. When I read the write-up it didn’t seem possible so I didn’t give it much energy. Then another, through spirit, was told that the grid was going to go down for awhile so people would start caring about people, said it came from Source but later found this person has both a truth but also non truth personality so I can no longer trust what she says because the not truth is based on ego. Then there was a situation of a b om being blown up in our electrical grid. There was also the situation that prior the schematics of our power grid was given to another country, can’t remember which one but from a prior president, think it was Bush Jr. but can’t remember the details, was along time ago. If/when we have a financial crash then whose going to pay for utilities if no money and no money to pay for the employees has been my personal non verified thoughts. Then the sun flare situation and emp attack subject, all again to take down the grid. there is a lot of energy being put out on this subject. Since the U.S. is dependent on power, the cabal is getting ready to go underground with various types of chaos planned. Then CM stating his people, his creation, was not going to be destroyed, then logic, how can the dark be removed when they are all over the world except the possibility of a frequency change or stasis. Don’t know, just putting pieces together. I feel we are going to have a power grid failure but I could be wrong, just seems much talk on this subject and it’s possible. C2C Norry is trying to get traitor, close to Kissinger, went blank, can see the very old face, legislature working with ISIS, ran for president with Palin, to try to secure the power grid where he has connections with the daughter, via legislation, but so far nothing, but daughter also believes it’s going to happen.

        This is where I get confused. If the end is already known, we are living in a Matrix, a hologram, then isn’t this subject also already known, what’s to happen, yet life changes making circumstances changing.


        • Candace says:

          We are NOT living in a Hologram Melody. We are living in the what all of live has created on this world. So you can drop that confusion as its not real so you need not be confused. The Matrix as such created by the dark brotherhood does not exist anymore… we are in all natural cosmic energies completely since March 14 of last year. And partially since quite some years before then. All matrix technically means is the planet was isolated/Quarantined since the Lucifer Rebellion. The freeing up started on on Harmonic Convergence August 16, 1987 as the Lucifer Rebellion had been fully tended to and legally closed. So you can stop the confusion on that too. What is there is the real. 🙂


          • Melody says:

            Candace – Thank you. I have been confused on this subject. I understand that Earth had become a prison planet where Lucifer chose to be. Also read that it also became a place for other worlds to drop off what they felt were undesirables, that this is also a school.

            I had prior gone to a galactic history meeting held by Niburian Council Jelaila Starr, who I feel/felt was protecting the elite and their actions. When I somewhat confronted her on this, but I was overly tired and could have handled myself better, her eyes became like oil rolling on top of water. She described in the meeting what she called the Polarity Integration Game that was prior and originally planned for Earth.

            Polarity Integration: the “Universal Game”
            Polarity Integration means the integration of two opposites. In our universe the “game for soul evolution” is called Polarity Integration and what we are here to integrate are the two opposites, Light and Dark.

            The Light can be described as love, joy, bliss and all the emotions connected with the upper chakras. The Dark can be described as fear, anger, blame, shame and all the emotions connected with the lower chakras.

            Cont’d – http://www.nibiruancouncil.com/html/polarityintegration.html

            Then that Earth was originally suppose to be a seed planet and trading post and a vacation/relaxing beautiful planet for off planet visitors, full of beauty and various types of life, before the Luciferian rebellion. It’s sad that CM had such beautiful thoughts in mind to be taken over by the dark, his dreams of this planet taken over, and then to be used as a teaching plaform for what not to do, is my understanding.

            This is another reason for the confusement re the past is already known, to what extent does this go. I was verified by spirit that we are acting a part from a massive book with numerous time zones, we choose to be a character out of this book, for soul development. Yet also seems that this planet is lowering the development of spirituality, ie if a person is constantly kicked in the but then eventually they fight back or become as the abuser, they become what they are not for survival or hide their head as though it doesn’t exist, or fight back, yet this experience becomes their personality and is written into their DNA. It just seems to me that what Earth has become, you may call it lower density, is actually turning people against the goal, the goal being to be one with Source.

            If accurate I had read that CM had teachings he was going to have available for his creation, 4 groups of teachings, now some of this in the PJ’s. I want him to have his dreams of his creation fulfilled. Seems he’s always having to deal with some form of discontent, bickering, arguing, child’s play. He’s the big boss. Why can’t people become a team and each one put into a position/job of what they are best in, which that individual would know. Tact is needed, nobody is always right. People are basically followers, most will not argue with the bosses, in fact the opposite, they will kiss ass who they feel have the power, which can also detour from the real truth. I agree with Kim, if we’re all on the same side, let’s try to all correct our errors and move on. Let’s try to work together.

            A while ago CM had stated the movie, The Matrix, should be a documentary. I’m guessing this has to do that we are all playing different parts for the soul development, one life we’re good and one life we’re bad, experience various job positions of the company to know the inner workings of how it operates, the company being creation. Then the Corey Goode reporting of the white dracos asking prior the blue avians for the block be removed so they could leave this universe, part is http://exopolitics.org/secret-space-programs-sphere-being-alliance-corey-goode-testimony/ Then the dark Reptillians here wanting to eliminate HU-Mans with the A/I technology 2045 agenda. http://gf2045.com/ http://2045.com/ Ain’t going to happen, they want to become as God, remove the God soul connection from the body and put into A/I beings that they can control and destroy CM/Aton and Sources creations. How can they think they have the ability to fight an etitity that has been here since the beginning and knows all. But I don’t understand why the situation on Earth has been allowed to go as far as it has. If a child is not directed into right vs wrong and is allowed his tantrums, is allowed to always have what he wants, not punished or properly directed for his wrongs, then you have a spoiled brat who will continually push his limits, extend the limits, without remorse. It just seems that free will laws should be earned with more maturity.

            Sorry, this has been on my mind, a chance to say what I’ve been thinking.


            • Candace says:

              Well until Nebadon IS in Light and Life a very very long time from now… there will be polarity integration going on, section by section. Nature creates Dual universes and they all deal with Polarity integration… So I find the topic nor much worth my time. I have read at one point all of Jelaila’s material but stopped with it after a time. The Nibiruan council is just that of Nibiru and nothing more. And since its NOT here and will not be here I don’t concern myself with it anymore except I have been contacted just today by Enki to see if I would be amendable to doing some more work with him and Enlil which may include something more on Nibiru culture etc.

              Until Enlils abdication I guess 2 years ago now… He was the Nibiruan rep here and I don’t know if Jelaila really was part of that or not.


              • Candace says:

                One thing good Jelaila has in one of her booklets is about the lessons onvolved in opening the chakras etc and I have been thinking of posting a summary on that again some time on TIU probably in the spiritual teaching thread. I will get it out right now and put it close to my computer.


      • Candace says:

        You were told thru me stasis was not necessary prior to evacuation. that has not changed. If the animals need it… it will happened after the evacuation and before the magnetic reversal and axis shifting. It still stands as taught. 6 months since you don’t read and belong to AH anymore was the estimate given thru me as the evacuation material was channeled in Korea. It was said to be an estimate. And based strictly on 6 months that was up February 3 as the teaching thru me at my lecture was on August 3.

        I did a lot of coverage on TIU and I suggest since THE DABI IS a member of AH you might consider that. You are the one who departed not he.


        • Candace says:

          To clarify.. the evacuation would start AFTER the Magnetic Reversal started… as that would be the warning to a very confused and probably frighted populace who would KNOW they better board ship and that it would be purposely controlled to be slow enough to allow everyone around the globe to have at least 4 hours to board ship and not 1/2 hour. The 4 hours for everyone would be in daylight and not as they slept. I will review your piece with CM after I am awakened more and have checkced sunrise if the sun is viewable today. I have seen an interesting change over the past week and I need to check location to the east this morning.


          • Melody says:

            Candace, a few days ago seemed the Moon was setting more North. Because of this subject I later watched below to get more insight.

            Is the Moon Out of Position? Or is it the Earth?


            • Candace says:

              Melody I have never watched the moon so I don’t know. And my old program on another computer I have not put on this one to see what it would suggest. We have axis shifting and I can only assume that if the moon orbit is not affected.. it would be out of place. The only thing I can say is that the nearly full moon continues to rise in the east early evening and for a few days until the moon begins to “shrink”… But on the where otherwise I don’t know how that changes with the annual tilt changes of the axis thru the seasons. The full moon the day it rose with Jupiter near by rose between two buildings on my eastern horizon in a general area I have seen it rise many times.


        • kibodabi says:

          sigh….still can’t let it go, can you? ah well….I will let people make up their own minds as they have a right to…..please to mind your manners, you can be rough with people and I really do want people to be nice to each other on this thing. Please to remember that this is MY house, not yours….any review you give holds no value with me since it has nothing to do with you, per se, but you are welcome to state your opinion.
          I will let this play out in The Fathers Will and be satisfied with the inevitable result.


          • Candace says:

            Lyman you have lost out to the Father’s Will. YOu have tentavily lost DABI. the WILL of the Father was for YOU to stay employed and PAY YOUR BILLS and work part time at the teaching. You are felling the karma right now of NOT DOING THAT. You have been degrading your teachings for a long time now do to substance abuse and Not working and paying your bills. You get yourself out of YOUR KARMIC MESS. And I suggest some honest conversation privately with ME… since the DABI is part of AH.


        • kibodabi says:

          oh…I’ve personally given it until the end of March as a wait and see attitude on my part…..because I’ve grown used to things never happening as stated and I figured it would take longer……I am also waiting to see if they can finish the money war this week, as so many are hoping for…..I think it is important that we finish up our own end of this and I think that we are being given an opportunity to do so…..we shall see……..God forbid that it just continues to go on and on and on….but I have confidence in The Divine Plan as to the outcome….the doing of it…the experience of it…I endure as best I can in faith and trust.


          • Candace says:

            Why is the timing on the money war have to have a date on it. Most of the information on the net is not accurate and some of those people reporting have exactly nothing to do with the money war at all. NOTHING beloved. They are raising funds for their own food by putting out material not true . I just keep my own ass covered for those times and let it ride where it goes. The global currency reset is propaganda and any material around that and gifting programs. There have been so many I have lost track of the names of them.


            • kibodabi says:

              this is me starting over in order for us to have real conversations about things that we can actually help each other with and not try to force each other into anything…..God knows I want to get along with you, but all this arguing is counterproductive…..there will always be this thing that we will have to agree to disagree on and if we can get that established……things will get better…..
              that being said…..

              it’s hard for me to say, really……there is nothing definitive, no proof of anything…..nothing big anyway…I see evidence in bits and pieces in terms of real time events and I simply cannot believe that nothing is being done by anyone to help us liberate ourselves from this dark miasma…all I can do is get as much data/info as I can and then inquire within. the answers I get can only be given within the parameters of my ability to grok the answers….this is probably why, as you say, Lyman shows up in what Lyman is doing….smile….
              but I know this much….effort is being made. there is certain line of truth that can be discerned when you spread the pile out….I notice similarities and differences and take due notice of memes and the anomalies that float aroundthere was much talk of having things finished by March…I try to be hopeful…after so many years of being told that this and that will definitely happen while experiencing all of it not happening…..well…suffice it to say that remaining hopeful takes more effort than it used to.
              it is all well and good to say what you said here…I can’t disagree that there are many making money off of it…..but it used to be that there were more differences in reporting and it looks like now there are more people saying the same thing than ever before…could it be a set up…sure…but where is the alternative? where is any definitive proof of anything that we can hold onto and say is the truth in the matter?
              if everything depends upon being signed off on by those upstairs….how close are we to meeting the necessary parameters and just what are those parameters?
              This is the stuff I want to talk with you about….increasing my understanding of what is around me expands what I can do with what is within me….
              i’m glad we had this talk…see? that wasn’t hard…was it? smile

              as far as having my ass covered….it is impossible…my ass is hanging in the wind…sigh….we’ll see how it goes….grin


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