first video is up…..


hope you like it……it’s also on the AH youtube channel…………so let me know………..


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7 Responses to first video is up…..

  1. Ken says:

    Good ,,,,,,,,,, CL ASS, presentation. I will see ,talk to you when you DON’T have CL ASS… HA HA HA Hardy HA HA. God bless your Work. Be WELL UNtil next time


  2. Mariza says:

    Oi Kibo,
    Senti a emoção: muito agradável.
    Seria possível uma alternativa para quem não fala ou entende a língua inglesa?
    Talvez uma transcrição dos textos (escrito e falado) para que possamos utilizar o tradutor do google? (se é que mais pessoas sentiram dificuldade).
    A tradução que utilizei no vídeo fica sem sentido…


  3. Denise says:

    At first I did both too….listening and reading. Than I did both separately. Great teaching in both Kibo!
    Very enjoyable and real~ You did a superb job and your voice really sounded like God to me at times!!


  4. Barbara says:

    First I did both: listening and looking at the video ‘unfolding’, just doing the experience as i felt that was the thing to do. Then i re-read (without sound) and re-listen (eyes closed). I don’t care if my understanding of this English spoken is ….almost zero. I’m sure that “I” was listening and understanding very well. I appreciated a lot the music. Your voice is ‘great’ and perfectly matching my….how can say? …vibration? and you made me laughing also reading some passages. It always happens when I’m reading your “unsuitable words”.

    With Gratitude……forever….!


  5. kibodabi says:

    Effort is everything……intent gets you there… your knowledge and concept and idea and image of what GOD is expands and evolves…so does your love of GOD and all that GOD IS…..if that is what you want…as long as you want it…it’s yours…….and that’s easy because all that is between you and GOD…it’s not like wanting to do things that affects others….it’s all with and within you…and that makes it easy for it allows GOD to concentrate more on you as you concentrate more on GOD…so you are here because you do and are…that……smile……


    • Brian says:

      Did I mention this video is brilliant……just brilliant! So well done!! You are something else, friend….:)

      Christ bless you!


  6. Brian says:

    ….Lemme catch my breath…..that’s better…

    We are so very proud of You! For your unwavering conviction in keeping IT real!
    (insert bow here) 🙂

    …Love Thy God With All Your Heart, Mind, and Soul….
    How do I know that I am………………doing that……..if I were……then I wouldn’t be here….so I must not be….
    May…………….you are here…….because you do…….:)

    Immerse yourself in the dirt as a seed does and see what happens……
    … I do love flowers!


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